
Sl. No. Circular Date Circular Download
1 17/09/2024 Revision of allowances of retired Judicial officers / Family Pensioners of the Tripura judicial service w.e.f 01/01/2016
2 17/09/2024 Dearness Relief increase to 50% on Pension/Family Pension.01/01/2024 -State Govt. of Maharashtra
3 30/08/2024 Grant of DR to the retired Judicial Officer/Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2024
4 20/08/2024 Grant of Medical allowance and Home Orderly Help Allowance to the Jharkhand State Judicial Service Pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/01/20216
5 20/08/2024 Grant of D/R on Pension/family pension to the pensioners/family pensioners of state Aided Non Government of West Bengal w.e.f. 01/04/2024 instaed of 01/05/2024
6 08/08/2024 Revision of pensionary benefits of Retired Judicial officers w.e.f 01/01/2016 of Dept. of Home of Himachal Pradesh Government
7 08/08/2024 Revision of allowances and other benefits in respect of Judicial Officers ,Retired judicial officers /Family pensioners of State Govt. of Himachal Pradesh
8 08/08/2024 According to the recommendation of the Second National Judicial Pay Commission regarding the admissibility of facilities to senior judicial officers of the state Govt. of Uttarakhand from 01/01/20216
9 06/08/2024 Regarding Chattisgarh Lower and Higher Judicial Service (Pay Revision Pension and other Retirement benefits) Rules,2023
10 06/08/2024 Grant of Dearness Relief @50% of the basic pension /Family pension w.e.f 01/01/2024 to retired judicial service officers /family pensioners of State Government of Tripura
11 06/08/2024 Regarding enhanced Dearness Relief to the Nagaland State Government Pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2024 enhancing the existing rate from 46% to 50%
12 06/08/2024 Issue of Stay order on recovery of Commuted Value Pension by State Govt. of Haryana
13 06/08/2024 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief to the members of Madhya Pradesh Judicial service @42% to 46% w.e.f 01/07/2023
14 06/08/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners /family pensioners of West Bengal Government @14% drawing pension at revised rate consequent upon the implementation of WBS (ROPA),2019 and 161%as per WBS (ROPA),2009 w.e.f 01/04/2024
15 25/07/2024 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief to the J & K UT pensioners and family pensioners on revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2024 enhancing the existing rate from 46% to 50%
16 25/07/2024 Regarding grant of D/R on pension to the pensioners/family pensioners of the teaching and non teaching staff of non Govt. sponsored/ Aided Educational Institutions under Govt. of West Bengal
17 11/07/2024 Grant of DR on Pension to the Pensioners /family Pensioners of the Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of Non Govt. sponsored/aided educational Instituations under Govt. of West Bengal
18 11/07/2024 Grant of revised rate of Dearness Relief to the State Judicial officers and State Judicial Pensioners of State Govt. of Kerala
19 11/07/2024 Regarding payment of Pension/Family Pension arrears to pre-2016 and post-2016 to pensioners/family pensioners of State Govt. Himachal Pradesh
20 01/07/2024 Regarding grant of TI to State Govt. pensioners/ family pensioners of Govt. of Gujarat w.e.f 01/07/2023 @42% to 46%
21 01/07/2024 Rajasthan High courts receiving pension/family pension from other states pension /family pension Revision of Retired Judicial Officers (RHJS)
22 01/07/2024 Enhances the DA payable to the judicial officers of the state Govt Chhatisgarh who are receiving pension and family pension as per revised pay scale from the existing rate of 46% to 50% w.e.f 01/01/2024
23 18/06/2024 Regarding payment of Dearness Allowance /Dearness Relief to the Manipur State Govt. employees/family pensioners @28% to 32% w.e.f 01/03/2024
24 18/06/2024 Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Bihar Govt. Pensioners and family pensioners @50% w.e.f. 01/01/2024
25 07/06/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the central Government pensioners and Family Pensioners -revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2024
26 07/06/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to Arunachal Pradesh Government Pensioners /Family pensioners -revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2024 ( from 46% to 50%)
27 05/06/2024 Writ Petition (Civil) No.643/2015 in All India Judges Association Vs Union of India and others regarding the recommendations related to allowances made by the SNJPC
28 05/06/2024 Regarding grant of dearness relief To Himachal Pradesh Government pensioners/ family pensioners -revised rate w.e.f 01/04/2024 (34% to 38%)
29 30/05/2024 Regarding Tamil Nadu -Grant of Dearness Allowance to pensioners and family pensioners revised rate admissible from 01/01/2024 (46% to 50%)
30 30/05/2024 Regarding grant of ex-gratia payment to the West Bengal Govt. pensioners /family pensioners for the year 2024.
31 17/05/2024 Regarding revised rate of Dearness relief @46% in the 7th Pay scale w.e.f 01/03/2024 to the pensioners and Family pensioners of Madhya Pradsesh
32 17/05/2024 Regarding grant of D/R to the Retired Judicial officers /Family pensioners of the State of West Bengal-revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2024
33 17/05/2024 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Judicial Pensioners/ family pensioners and state govt. pensioners and family pensioners of state Govt. Andhra Pradesh.
34 17/05/2024 Payment of increased rate of DA and grant of Dearness Relief in the state Govt. of Uttarakhand
35 17/05/2024 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief @50% to Haryana state Govt. pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2024
36 17/05/2024 Dearness allowance to the State Govt. Employees and Dearness Relief to the state service pensioners and Family pensioners of State Govt. of Karnataka
37 17/05/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief @4% (46% to 50%) to central Govt. pensioners and family pensioners of of State Govt. Uttar Pradesh-revise rate w.e.f 01/01/2024
38 17/05/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners of Karnataka State from 38.75% to 42.50% w.e.f 01/01/2024
39 17/05/2024 Regarding acceptance of various allowances /facilities to the officers of Bihar Judicial Service , grant of DR @ 4% to the state Govt. Pensioners and Family pensioners
40 17/05/2024 Regarding revised rate of D/R to Chattisgarh State Govt. Pensioners w.e.f 01/03/2024 @ 46% 7th Pay Scale & 230% 6th Pay Scale
41 17/05/2024 Regrading increase in Pension/Family pension to Pensioners and Family pensioners of 80 years of age and above of State Govt. Maharashtra w.e.f 01/01/2024
42 17/05/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the State Government's Civil /Family pensioners of Uttar Pradesh (46% to 50%) w.e.f 01/01/2024
43 02/05/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts and family pensioners of such judges -revised rates effective from 01/01/2024 (46% to 50%)
44 02/05/2024 Grant of Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners/Family pensioners of the Govt. of Meghalaya from the existing rate of 39% to 43% w.e.f 01/01/2024
45 22/04/2024 Grant of revised rate of Dearness Relief @50% to central Govt. pensioners /Family pensioners of West Bengal state Govt. w.e.f 01.01.2024
46 20/04/2024 Regarding grant of D/R to the West Bengal Government pensioners/family pensioners @14% drawing pension at revised rate
47 20/04/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief @20% w.e.f. 01/12/2022 and @25% w.e.f. 01/01/2024 to the Tripura Govt. pensioners and family pensioners
48 10/04/2024 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief to the J & K UT pensioners and Family Pensioners on revised rate w.e.f 01/07/2023 enhancing the existing rate from 42% to 46%
49 28/03/2024 Regarding sanction of Dearness Relief (T.I) @ 4% enhancing the existing rate from 46% to 50% in favour of the State Government pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2024
50 18/03/2024 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief to the J & K UT Pensioners on revised rate w.e.f 01/07/2023 enhancing the existing rate from 42% to 46%
51 18/03/2024 Regarding Tamilnadu Govt. of Pongal Prize to C and D group pensioners /family pensioners
52 18/03/2024 Regarding enhanced Dearness Relief to the Nagaland State Govt. Pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2023 enhancing the existing rate from 42% to 46%
53 18/03/2024 Regarding Tamilnadu Govt. New Health Insurance Scheme-2021 for Govt. employees and New Health Insurance Scheme-2022 for Pensioners and Family pensioners
54 23/02/2024 Regarding drawal of arrear salary /retiral and Pensionary benefits of Judicial Officer /Pensioner/Family Pensioner
55 23/02/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/Family pensioners of Govt. Punjab from 34% to 38% w.e.f 01/12/2023
56 23/02/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the Bihar Government Pensioners /Family pensioners @46% w.e.f 01/07/2023
57 23/02/2024 Regarding determination /revision and payment of pension/family pension/gratuity and other retirement benefits of retired officers of Bihar Judicial Service w.e.f 01/01/2016
58 12/02/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the Rajasthan state Govt. pensioners/family pensioners @42% to 46% w.e.f 01.07.2023
59 12/02/2024 Regarding grant of D/R to the West Bengal Government pensioners @10% drawing pension at revised rate consequent on implementation of WBS (ROPA),2019.
60 24/01/2024 Regarding grant of D/R to the retired judicial officers/Family Pensioners of the State West Bengal -revised rate w.e.f 01.07.2023 on pre-revised pension/family pension
61 20/01/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to State Government Civil/Family Pensioners of Uttar Pradesh (42% to 46%) w.e.f 01/07/2023
62 20/01/2024 Regarding grant of D/R to the Retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of the State of West Bengal -revised rate w.e.f 01.07.2023
63 11/01/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief @4% (42% to 46%) to the Bihar State Government pensioners and family pensioners w.e,f 01/07/2023
64 10/01/2024 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief @46% to Haryana State Govt. pensioners/Family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2023
65 10/01/2024 Regarding grant of Dearness relief to Arunachal Pradesh Government pensioners/family pensioners-revised rate w.e.f 01/07/2023 (from 42% to 46%)
66 10/01/2024 Enhancement rate of D/R to to the Jharkhand State Govt. pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2023 (enhanced from 42% to 46%)
67 10/01/2024 Grant of revised rates of Dearness Relief @46% to central Govt pensioners /Family pensioners of West Bengal w.e.f 01/07/2023
68 10/01/2024 Payment of DA/DR to the serving Govt. employees /pensioners/family pensioners /Extra ordinary pension holders of State Govt. Assam in revised rates @46% w.e.f 01/07/2023
69 10/01/2024 Revision of pension of retired judicial officers of the Tripura Judicial service in compliance with the order of Hon'ble supreme court of India dated 19/05/2023
70 10/01/2024 Tamil Nadu - ad-hoc increase for employees drawing consolidated pay/honorarium -revised rate admissible from 01/07/2023-orders -issued
71 20/12/2023 Regarding Tamilnadu -Grant of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners -revised rate admissible from 01/07/2023 (42% to 46%)
72 16/12/2023 Regarding festival grant for Tripura Government pensioners and family pensioners
73 07/12/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners of Karnataka State @ 35% to 38.75 % w.e.f 01/07/2023
74 07/12/2023 Enhancement of state Govt. Freedom Fighter pensioners and their spouses of state govt. Maharashtra
75 07/12/2023 Grant of Dearness Relief to the retired Judges of Supreme Court /High Court and family pensioner of such judges and to the central Govt. Pensioners/family pensiones rates effective from 01/07/2023 (42% to 46%)
76 07/12/2023 Regarding the order of Govt. of Rajasthan for additional 10 percent allowance at 75 years of age dated 25/07/2023
77 07/12/2023 Revision of Pension and other Pensionary benefits of Judicial officers of State Govt. of Kerala
78 07/12/2023 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Freedom Fighter Pensioners w.e.f 01.07.2023
79 09/11/2023 Revision of pension/Family pension and extension of revised rates of Dearness Relief in respect of Judicial officers of the state Govt of West Bengal who retired or died in harness prior to 01/01/2016
80 09/11/2023 Regarding public services -interim relief pending revision scales of Pay-sanctioned -Orders issued for the state Govt. of Telangana
81 09/11/2023 Regarding Tamilnadu Govt. new Health Insurance Scheme -2022 for pensioners/family pensioners -Health care Assistance through the United India Insurance Company Limited, Chennai
82 09/11/2023 Regarding sanction of Dearness Relief @4% enhancing the existing rate from 42% to 46% in favour of the state Govt. pensioners /family pensioners with effect from 01/07/2023
83 25/10/2023 Revision of pension of retired judicial officers of the Tripura Judicial service in compliance to the order of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India dated 19/05/23
84 25/10/2023 Regarding acceptance of 221% DR/DA in place of 212% and 412% DR/DA in place of 396% w.e.f 01/01/23 for to Bihar State Govt. servants/pensioner/family pensioner in the 6th pay scale and 5th pay scale respectively.
85 25/10/2023 Regarding revision of rates of Intra Ocular lens for Government officers/officials pensioners of Punjab Government
86 10/10/2023 Regarding transfer of pension holding by Gujarat State
87 10/10/2023 Grant of TI to the pensioners and family pensioners of State Govt. of Gujarat w.e.f 01/07/2022 and 01/01/2023
88 10/10/2023 Regarding implementation of Second National Judicial pay commission structure
89 10/10/2023 Regarding payment of UGC arrears to the pensioners on consolidation of 2016 RPS (7th CPC)
90 18/09/2023 Regarding increase of Dearness relief from 28% to 32 % to the Mizoram Government Pensioners /Family pensioners with effect from 01/04/2023
91 04/09/2023 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of Govt. of Punjab from 113% to 119% w.e.f 01/07/2015 to 31/12/2015
92 04/09/2023 Regarding Dearness Relief increase of Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of Government of Maharashtra
93 04/09/2023 Tamil Nadu-Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees drawing pay in the pre-revised scales of Pay/Grade Pay -pensioners-revised rate admissible @ 368% to 381% w.e.f 01/07/2022 and 196% to 203% w.e.f 01/01/2022
94 04/09/2023 Corrigendum letter of O/o The Principal Accountant General (A&E) , Nagaland vide their letter no Pen/ NL-DR/2023-24/403 dated 05/07/23
95 04/09/2023 Revised rates of Dearness Allowance to the employees of Central Govt. and Central Autonomous bodies continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised pay scale / Grade pay as per 6th CPC from 01/01/2023 (@ 212% to 221%)
96 17/08/2023 Grant of Dearness Allowance to the State Govt. employees of Tamilnadu drawing pay in the pre-revised scale -revised rate admissible from 01/04/2023 (212% to 221%)
97 17/08/2023 Grant of Dearness Relief to civil/family pensioners of the State Government Uttarakhand
98 17/08/2023 Grant of Dearness Allowance to pensioners /family pensioners of State Government Tamilnadu at revised rate admissible from 01/04/2023 (385 to 42%)
99 14/08/2023 Regarding pension DR to the pensioners of State Government of Telengana from 01/01/2022
100 25/07/2023 Regarding enhanced Dearness Relief to the Nagaland State Govt. Pensioners and Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2023 enhancing the existing rate from 38% to 42%
101 25/07/2023 Grant of Ex-gratia payment to the pensioners and Family pensioners of Non Govt. colleges of West Bengal
102 20/07/2023 Dearness Relief to the Pensioners and Family pensioners of the State Government Meghalaya from the existing rate of 32% to 36% w.e.f 01/01/2023
103 20/07/2023 Dearness Relief to Pensioners and family pensioners of State Govt. of Andhra Pradesh w.e.f 01/01/2022
104 11/07/2023 Grant of DR to the retired Judicial Officers/Family Pensioners of West Bengal, Grant of DR to the Bihar Govt. pensioners/Family pensioners on their pr-revised pension/family pension, Grant of DR to the BIhar Govt. Pensioners and Family pensioners @42% w.e.f 01/01/2023
105 11/07/2023 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief at revised rate of 212% to 221% w.e.f 01/01/2023 on pension to the retired officers of Madhya Pradesh Judicial Service.
106 11/07/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to State Government's Civil/Family pensioners of Uttar Pradesh (38% to 42%) w.e.f 01/01/2023
107 11/07/2023 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief @42% to Haryana State Govt. pensioners / family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2023
108 11/07/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners of Karnataka State @31% to 35% with effect from 01/01/2023
109 17/06/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to Arunachal Pradesh Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners -revised rates w.e.f 01/01/2023 (from 38% to 42%)
110 17/06/2023 Tamil Nadu Government -New Health Insurance Scheme ,2021
111 17/06/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Govt, Pensioners/Family Pensioners -revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2022 (31% to 34 %)
112 17/06/2023 1. Grant of Dearness Relief to the retired Judges of Supreme Court /High Courts and family pension of such judges revised rates 2. Grant of Dearness Allowance to the judges of Supreme Court /High Court revised rates w.e.f 01/01/23 (38% to 42%)
113 17/06/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the Rajasthan State Govt. Pensioners /Family pensioners @38% to 42% w.e.f 01/01/2023
114 17/06/2023 Regarding grant of interim relief to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of Karnataka State Govt. @17% on basic/family pension w.e.f 01/04/2023
115 17/06/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness relief @4% (38% to 42%) to the Bihar State Govt. Pensioners /Family pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2023
116 17/06/2023 Regarding revision of ex-gratia payment to 100000 for dependent family of deceased Govt. servant of Chhatisgarh
117 17/06/2023 Grant of DA , DA to Ex-gratia beneficiaries and Pongal Prize to the pensioners and family pensioners of State Govt.of Tamilnadu.
118 17/06/2023 Grant of Revised rate of DR @42% to central Govt. Pensioners and Grant of EX-gratia payment to the West Bengal Government pensioners/ family pensioners.
119 17/06/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to Central Freedom Fighter Pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2023
120 17/06/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to state Government Pensioners and Family Pensioners of Meghalay from the existing rate of 28% to 32 % w.e.f 01/07/2022
121 18/05/2023 Regarding revised rate of Dearness Relief @33% w.e.f 01/10/2022 to the pensioners and family pensioners of State Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
122 18/05/2023 Regarding acceptance of 396% DR/DA in place of 381% in 5th central pay scale and acceptance of 212% DR/DA in place of 203% in the 6th Central Pay scale of State Govt. Bihar
123 18/05/2023 Grant of Dearness Relief on Pension/ Family pension to the pensioners/family pensioners (teaching and non-teaching) of state Aided non Govt. colleges of State Govt. of West Bengal w.e.f 01/03/2023
124 18/05/2023 Grant of Dearness relief to the Central Govt. Pensioners/Family pensioners-Revised rate (38% to 42% ) w.e.f 01/01/2023
125 29/04/2023 Enhancement of the monetary allowances for the recipients of President's Police Medal of the State Government of Manipur
126 29/04/2023 Regarding grant of DR of Civil /Family pensioners of the state Government of Uttarakhand
127 15/04/2023 Grant of Dearness relief to the West Bengal Govt. pensioners and Family pensioners
128 15/04/2023 Clarification regarding payment of Leave Travel concession to Punjab Government employees and Travel concession to the Punjab Government pensioners.
129 15/04/2023 Regarding grant of pension allowance and revision of pension and family pension to the pensioners of state Government of Himachal Pradesh
130 11/04/2023 Regarding pension-DR to the State Government pensioners of Telangana from 01/07/2021 (17.29% 20.02%) sanctioned
131 22/03/2023 Regarding the grant of D/R of such Civili/Family Pensioners of the State Government of Uttarakhand whose pension is revised @ 34% to 38% w.e.f 01/07/2022
132 22/03/2023 Regarding the grant of revised Dearness Relief to the Tripura Govt retired Judicial Officers/ Family Pensioners at the revised rate of 212% w.e.f 01/07/2022
133 10/03/2023 Regarding increase in Dearness Relief for the pension/family pension of state Government of Maharashtra
134 10/03/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness relief to State Government's civil /family pensioners of Uttar Pradesh (34% to 38% ) w.e.f 01/07/2022
135 22/02/2023 Regarding grant of dearness relief @12% w.e.f 01/12/2022 over the basic pension /basic family pension to the Tripura Government pensioners/family pensioners
136 16/02/2023 Regarding grant of dearness relief to the pensioners/family pensioners of Govt. of Punjab from 28% to 34% w.e.f 01/10/2022
137 09/02/2023 Regarding grant of ex gratia payment to the West Bengal State Govt. Pensioners /Family pensioners for the year 2019,2020,2021
138 01/02/2023 Regarding grant of ex-gratia payment to the West Bengal State Govt. Pensioners for the year 2020-21.
139 01/02/2023 Regarding grant of ex-gratia payment to the West Bengal State Govt. Pensioners for the year 2021-22
140 27/01/2023 Regarding enhanced dearness relief to the Nagaland State Govt. Pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2022 enhancing the existing rate from 34% to 38%
141 27/01/2023 Regarding sanction of Dearness relief (TI) @ 4% enhancing the existing rate from 34% to 38% in favour of the state Govt. pensioners / Family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2022
142 27/01/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the state govt. pensioners of Govt. of Meghalaya from the existing rate of 22% to 25% w.e.f 01/07/2021
143 27/01/2023 Regarding Dearness relief @33%( in 7th Pay and 201% in 6th Pay scale) w.e.f 01/10/2022 to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
144 27/01/2023 Regarding the revised rate of DR to Chattisgarh State Govt. Pensioners w.e.f 01/10/2022 @ (33 %) and (201% )
145 27/01/2023 Regarding enhancement rate of Dearness Relief of Pre-revised scale (Sixth Pay) to the Jharkhand State Govt. pensioners /Family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2022 (203% to 212%)
146 27/01/2023 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Arunachal Pradesh Govt. pensioners/family pensioners -Revised rates w.e.f 01/07/2022 ( 34% to 38%)
147 27/01/2023 Regarding grant of Dearness relief to the Bihar Govt. pensioners /family pensioners @38% w.e.f 01/07/2022
148 27/01/2023 Regarding payment of festival grant for the Financial Year 2022-23 to the Tripura Govt. Pensioners /Family pensioners
149 27/01/2023 Regarding grant of dearness relief to the state Govt. Pensioners /Family pensioners of Govt. of Meghalaya from the existing rate of 25% to 28% w.e.f 01/01/2022
150 27/01/2023 Payment of arrears to post 2016 to retirees and revision of pension and family pension at 50% and 30% of the levels of the pay matrix of State Govt. Himachal Pradesh
151 27/01/2023 Payment of DA/DR to the serving govt. employees /pensioners/family pensioners and payment state freedom fighter pension of Govt. of Assam
152 27/01/2023 Regarding grant of DA /DR of 203% in place of 196% in favour of Govt. servants/ pensioner/Family pensioner of Govt. of Bihar who are drawing salary/pension/family pension under recommendation of 6th pay commission
153 30/12/2022 Grant of dearness relief to the state Government Pensioners of state Government of Rajasthan
154 30/12/2022 Regarding payment of arrears to pre-2016 to Himachal Pradesh pensioners/family pensioners
155 30/12/2022 Revision of the rates of the Dearness allowance to the teaching and equivalent cadre staff of state Government of Karnataka
156 30/12/2022 Regarding grant of Dearness relief @4% to the Bihar Govt. pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2022
157 30/12/2022 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief @ 38% to the Haryana State Govt. pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2022
158 30/12/2022 Revision of the Medical allowance to Gujrat State Govt. employees/Panchyat pensioners
159 30/12/2022 Regarding grant of DR to the retired judicial officers/family pensioners of the state of West bengal-revised rate w.e.f 01/07/2022
160 12/12/2022 Regarding dearness relief @28% w.e.f 01/08/2022 to pensioners /family pensioners of Government of Madhya Pradesh
161 22/11/2022 Grant of Dearness relief to the Judges and retired judges of Supreme Court /High Courts , Central Government employees and pensioners/family pensioners of State Govt. of Odisha
162 22/11/2022 Grant of revised rate of Dearness relief @ 38% to central Government Pensioners/ Family pensioners of State Government of West Bengal
163 22/11/2022 Grant of Dearness Allowance to the pensioners/Family pensioners of State Government of Tamilnadu at revised rate admissible from 01/07/2022 (31% to 34%)
164 22/11/2022 Regarding grant of Temporary increase (Dearness Relief) to Gujarat State Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners w.e,.f 5th,6th,7th pay commission.
165 22/11/2022 Revision of Dearness allowance for the state Govt employees of state Government of Telengana
166 22/11/2022 Dearness Relief increase for pensioners and Family pensioners of Government of Maharashtra
167 22/11/2022 Regarding revised rate of Dearness Relief @22% in 7th Pay and 174% in 6th Pay scale w.e.f 01/05/2022 to pensioners/Family pensioners of Government of Madhya Pradesh
168 22/11/2022 Regarding grant of DEarness Relief to the Rajasthan State Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioner @ 34% to 38% w.e.f 01/07/2022
169 22/11/2022 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to State Government's Civil/Family pensioners of Uttar Pradesh
170 27/10/2022 Grant of Dearness Relief @ 5% w.e.f 01/07/2022 over the basic Pension/basic family Pension to the Tripura Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners
171 27/10/2022 Pension -DR to the state Govt. Pensioners of Telangana
172 06/09/2022 Grant of Dearness relief and Ex-gratia grant to Bihar Govt. pensioners/family pensioners
173 06/09/2022 Grant of Dearness relief to pensioners/family pensioners of Uttarakhand Govt.-regarding
174 06/09/2022 Sanction of Dearness relief to pensioners and Family pensioners of Tripura Govt. Judicial service at the revised rate of 203% w.e.f 01/01/2022
175 06/09/2022 Clarification regarding payment of leave Travel concession to Punjab Govt. employees and travel concession to the Punjab Govt. Pensioners
176 06/09/2022 Regarding increase in the amount of respect pension and medical assistance given to freedom fighters and their dependents of Govt. of Rajastahan w.e.f 01/04/2021
177 06/09/2022 Tamilnadu Government Pensioner's Family Security Fund Scheme- Enhancement of Pensioners Contributions-order-issued
178 06/09/2022 Implementation of recommendations of the fifth Meghalaya Pay Commission Payment of arrears (i.e. remaining 22.5 % arrears)
179 22/08/2022 Grant of D/R to the retired Judicial officers /Family Pensioners of the state of West Bengal -revised rate w.e.f 01.01.22
180 22/08/2022 Grant of ex-gratia payment to the pensioners/family pensioners of Non Govt. colleges of West Bengal for the year 2021-2022
181 22/08/2022 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Rajastahan State Govt. Pensioners /Family Pensioners @31% to 34% w.e.f 01/01/2022
182 22/08/2022 Enhanced dearness Relief to the Nagaland State Govt. Pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2022 from 31% to 36%
183 22/08/2022 Payment of Dearness Relief at revised rate of 196% to 203% w.e.f 01/01/2022 on pension to the retired officers of Madhya Pradesh Judicial service-reg
184 22/08/2022 Grant of Dearness Relief to @3% to the Bihar State Govt. Pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2022
185 21/06/2022 Regarding grant of Dearness allowance to the pensioners /family pensioners of Karnataka state@ 24.50 to 27.25 w.e.f 01/01/22
186 21/06/2022 Regarding payment of DR @34% to Haryana State Govt. Pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/22
187 21/06/2022 Grant of TI/DR to Gujrat State Govt. Pensioners /Family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2021
188 21/06/2022 Payment of DA/DR to the serving Govt. employees /pensioners/family pensioners of Govt. of Assam in the revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2022
189 21/06/2022 Dearness relief increase to 196% for pensioners and family pensioners of Govt. of Maharashtra who are drawing their pension in the pre-revised scale w.e.f 01/07/2021
190 21/06/2022 Regarding grant of Ex-gratia payment to the West Bengal Government Pensioners/ Family pensioners for the year 2022
191 21/06/2022 Online generation and submission of drawal particulars of provisionally drawn retirement benefits such as provisional pension, Gratuity and commuted value pension
192 07/05/2022 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Freedom Fighter Pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2022 - regarding
193 05/05/2022 Regarding amendment of pension forms prescribed under Odisha Aided Educational Institutions Employees retirement benefit rules , 1981 read with executive Instruction no. 11931/EYS dated 21.03.1983 issued by Education and Youth service Department
194 05/05/2022 Procedure for online submission of pension application in case of Retiring/Retired employees of aided /ULB/Taken over Educational Institutions
195 05/05/2022 Regarding online submission of pension application in case of retiring /retired employees of Aided/ ULB/Taken over Educational institutions
196 22/04/2022 Grant of dearness relief to the Bihar Govt. Pensioners and Family Pensioners @31% w.e.f 01/07/2021
197 05/04/2022 Regarding Dearness Relief to pensioners/family pensioners of Government of Madhya Pradesh @17% and @164% w.e.f 01/10/21
198 05/04/2022 Revised rate of DR Chhatisgarh State Govt. Pensioners w.e.f 01/10/2021@17% and 164%
199 05/04/2022 Increase of pension of state agitators other than the category of agitators who were jailed for 7 days during the Uttarakhand state movement or injured during the state agitation
200 05/04/2022 Implementations of recommendations of 6th Punjab Pay commission DR to the Pensioners, grant of fixed Medical Allowance,increase of DR from 17% to 28%
201 05/04/2022 Regarding calculation of gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave at revised grant of Dearness relief to the retired judges of Supreme Court /High Courts and family pensioners of such judges revised rates effective from 01/07/2021
202 05/04/2022 Regarding holding of pension payments and redressal of pension related grievances by the pension disbursing authorities particularly banks in respect of Armed forces pensioners
203 05/04/2022 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to the state Government's civil/family pensioners of Uttar Pradesh
204 04/03/2022 Regarding circulation of Government of Uttarakhand , Finance Department orders in respect of pensioners/family pensioners
205 04/03/2022 Payment of Dearness Relief to the Manipur State Govt. Employees , Pensioners/family pensioners
206 04/03/2022 Grant of Dearness relief to the Himachal Pradesh Govt. pensioners/ Family pensioners-revised rate w.e.f 01/07/2021 (153% to 159%)
207 04/03/2022 Grant of revised rate of Dearness relief @31% to the central Govt. Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc w.e.f 01.07.2021
208 04/03/2022 Admissibility of revised rate of pension as per WBS (ROPA) Rules,2019 to the petitioner pro rata pensioners of State Govt. of West Bengal
209 16/02/2022 Grant of family pension to childless widow of deceased central Government employees after her remarriage-clarification-reg.
210 16/02/2022 Grant of Dearness Relief to the pensioners of State Govt. of Bihar
211 16/02/2022 Grant of Dearness relief to the retired judges of Supreme Courts and High Courts and family pensioners of such judges -revised rate effective from 01/07/2021
212 16/02/2022 Dearness Relief to the State Govt. Pensioners of Andhra Pradesh
213 16/02/2022 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Arunachal State Govt. Pensioners
214 16/02/2022 Revision of Pension/Family Pension and Medical Allowance of Ex-MLA of Madhya Pradesh State.
215 16/02/2022 Sanction of Dearness Relief to the State Govt. Pensioners of Tripura
216 16/02/2022 Payment of 14% Dearness Relief to the Nagaland State Govt. Pensioners
217 16/02/2022 Enhancement rate of Dearness Relief to Jharkhand State Govt. Pensioners
218 16/02/2022 Payment of DA/DR to the pensioners of State Govt. of Assam
219 16/02/2022 Regarding increase of Dearness Relief of Pensioners of State Govt. of Maharashtra
220 20/01/2022 Grant of arrears to Gujrat State Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2022 @ 28% of the basic 7th Pay Commission
221 20/01/2022 Grant of the arrears to the State Government pensioners /family pensioners from 01/10/2019 to 31/12/2019 . 7th Pay Commission
222 20/01/2022 Regarding grant of Dearness Relief to State Government's Civil/Family pensioners of Uttar Pradesh @ 17% to 28% w.e.f 01/07/2021
223 20/01/2022 Regarding payment of Dearness Relief at revised rate of 189% to 196% w.e.f 01/07/2021 on pension to the retired officers of Madhya Pardesh Judicial Service
224 01/01/2022 Grant of Dearness Allowance to pensioners /Family Pensioners of Karnataka State Government
225 01/01/2022 Payment of Festival Grant for the FY 2021-22 to the Tripura Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners
226 01/01/2022 Payment of Dearness Relief to Haryana State Government Employees , Pensioners / Family pensioners
227 04/12/2021 1.Raising of income ceiling for the widowed /divorced/unmarried daughter and dependent parents of deceased West Bengal Government employee/pensioners for the purpose of entitlement of family pension 2. Revised rates of Medical relief -reg
228 04/12/2021 Grant of Dearnes RElief to the Bihar Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners @ 28% w.e.f 01/07/21
229 04/12/2021 Sanction of consolidation of pension to the Universities /Government DEgree Coleges and Aided etc who drew UGC SCALES of PAY and retired from service prior to 01/01/2016 reg
230 04/12/2021 Payment of Dearness RElief at revised rate of 164% to 189% w.e.f 01/07/21 on pension to the retired Officers of Madhya Pradesh Judicial service-reg
231 04/12/2021 Grant of Dearness Relief to Rajasthan State Govt. pensioners /Family pensioners @17% to 28% & 28% to 31% w.e.f 01/07/21
232 04/12/2021 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners/ Family Pensioners Revised rates (28% to 31%) w.e.f 01/07/21
233 04/12/2021 Grant of Special Festival Allowance to Kerala State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners for the year 2020-2021
234 04/12/2021 Grant of Special Festival Allowance to Kerala State Service Pensioners / Family Pensioners for the Year 2020-21
235 23/07/2021 Grant of Dearness Relief @3% w.e.f 01/03/2021 over the revised pension to the Tripura Government Pensioners / Family Pensioners on pension to the Pensioners / Family Pensioners
236 23/07/2021 Grant of Dearness Relief on pension to the pensioners /Family Pensioners of Teaching and Non Teaching staff of Non Government Sponsored /Aided Educational Institutions etc under Government of West Bengal w.e.f 01/01/2021
237 23/07/2021 Pensions -Extend additional Quantum of Pension /Family Pension to the Pensioners drawing UGC Scales from the age 70 years onwards -Orders -issued _Forwarded -Reg
238 23/07/2021 Grant of Dearness Relief on Pension/ Family Pensioners of teaching and non teaching staff of non Government sponsored / Aided Educational Institutions, etc under Govt. of West Bengal w.e.f 01/01/2018 and 01/01/2019
239 30/03/2021 Grant of Dearness Relief to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of Non Government Colleges of West Bengal w.e.f 01.01.2021
240 30/03/2021 Increase of Dearness relief in favour of Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Govt. of Maharashtra
241 19/03/2021 Grant of Pongal prize to Group C and D Pensioners /Family pensioners of Tamilnadu Govt
242 19/03/2021 Orders regarding extension of life certificate and sanction of Dearness Relief to the pensioners of State Govt. of West Bengal
243 19/03/2021 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Rajasthan State Govt. Pensioners / Family Pensioners
244 19/03/2021 Grant of Dearness Relief and Arrears to the state Govt. pensioners /Family Pensioners of State Govt. of Gujrat
245 19/03/2021 Revision of Dearness Relief to Telangana Pensioners /Family Pensioners with effect from 01/07/2019
246 19/03/2021 University/ Government and Aided College teachers drawing UGC scales of Pay who retired /died -consolidated Dearness Relief to Pensioners of State Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
247 24/02/2021 Revision of Pension /family Pension to those coming under UGC Scheme of State Govt.of Kerala
248 18/11/2020 Treatment of pension cases who retired/ died-in-harness on 31/12/2015 and grant of Ex-gratia payment to the West Bengal pensioners
249 28/10/2020 Revision of Pension and family pension of pensioners of Govt. of West Bengal
250 28/10/2020 Release of 6% installment of DR and DA to the employees and pensioners of Govt. of Punjab
251 28/10/2020 Revision of fixed medical allowance from Rs. 300/- to Rs.1000/- of Manipur State Govt pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/04/2020
252 28/10/2020 Dearness relief increase to pension and family pensioners of Maharashtra Govt.
253 28/10/2020 Grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Govt. pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01.07.2019 (148 % to 153%)
254 02/06/2020 Grant of TI to State Govt. pensioners/Family Pensioners of Gujrat w.e.f 01/01/2019
255 29/11/2019 Grant of Ex-gratia payment to the West Bengal Govt. Pensioners
256 29/11/2019 Revision of pension and family pension of pre-2016 pensioners of state govt. Mizoram
257 29/11/2019 Grant of DR to Himachal Pradesh Govt Pensioners
258 29/11/2019 Grant of TI to the State Govt. Pensioners of Gujrat
259 29/11/2019 Revised rate of DR to pensioners and family pensioners of State Govt of Madhya Pradesh
260 29/11/2019 Payment of DR at revised rate of 148% for the pensioners of state Govt. Madhyapradesh
261 29/11/2019 Enhancement rate of DR of Pre-revised scale for pensioners of Jharkhand
262 29/11/2019 Revised rate of DR for Pensioners of State Govt. Chhatisgarh
263 05/11/2019 Ex-gratia grant for the year 2019 to the Pensioners/Family pensioners of Ex-management staff of North Bengal Medical College & Burdwan Medical College
264 05/11/2019 Grant of DR/DA of 154 % in place of 148% and grant of DR/DA of 295% in place of 284% w.e.f 01/01/19 in favour of Govt. servants/pensioners/family pensioners of State Govt. Bihar
265 26/08/2019 Enhanced DR to the Nagaland State Govt. Pensioners and Family Pensioners @ 9% to 12% w.e.f 01/01/2019 and 148% to 154% w.e.f 01/01/2019
266 26/08/2019 Grant of DR to the Bihar Govt. pensioners /Family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2019
267 26/08/2019 Sanction of DR to Pensioners /Family pensioners of Tripura Govt. Judicia Service at te revised rate of 154 % w.e.f 01/01/2019
268 26/08/2019 Grant of DR @ 2% (7% to 9%) to state Govt. Civil /Family pensioners of Uttar Pradesh
269 26/08/2019 Grant of DR to State Govt. of Pensioners and Central Freedom fighter pensioners of State Govt. of Chhatisgarh
270 26/08/2019 Grant of DR to the state Govt. pensioners of Rajasthan Govt.
271 26/08/2019 Grant of DR to Kerala state Govt. Pensioners /Family pensioners , sanction of as hoc bonus and Festival allowance, state Judicial officers- CVP
272 26/08/2019 Revision of DR to Telangana Pensiners /Family Pensioners @ 30.392 % with effect from 01/07/2018
273 26/08/2019 Increase of DR from 09% to 12% to the Mizoram Govt. Pensioners /Family Pensioners-Revised rate with effect from 01/01/2019
274 26/08/2019 Sanctin of Interim Relief to Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Pensioners Orders-Issued
275 26/08/2019 Enhancement rate of DR to the Jharkhand State Government pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2019 (Enhanced from 09% to 12%)
276 26/08/2019 Release of 6 % installment of DR and DA to the employees and Pensioners of Govt. Of Punjab
277 26/08/2019 Tamilnadu DA to Pensiners /Family Pensioners revised rate admissible from 01/01/2019
278 26/08/2019 Grant of DR to Arunachal Pradesh Govt Pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2019 (9% to 12%)
279 06/07/2019 Revision of pay scales and allowances to the teachers and equivalent cadre in Universities , Govt. aided College governed by UGC -Govt. of Tamilnadu
280 06/07/2019 Payment of DA to the Employees and Pensioners of State Govt. Assam
281 06/07/2019 Increase of DA from 142 % to 148% to the Mizoram Govt. Pensioners/family Pensioners for two months i.e. July,18 and August,2018
282 06/07/2019 Grant of DA to the Bihar State Govt. Pensioners
283 06/07/2019 Grant of DA , Ex Gratia to West Bengal Govt. Pensioners and revised rate of DA to Central Govt. Pensioners
284 06/07/2019 Grant of DA to State Govt. Pensioners /Family Pensioners on the revised rate i.e. 9% w.e.f 01/07/2018
285 06/07/2019 Modification in the Maharashtra Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1982
286 06/07/2019 Grant of DA of 148% to Govt. servants/Pensioner /family Pensioners of Govt. of Bihar
287 06/07/2019 Grant of DA to the Retired Judicial Officers / Family Pensioners of State of West Bengal
288 06/07/2019 Enhancement of DA to retired State Judicial Officers of State Got. of Kerala
289 06/07/2019 Grant of DA to the civil/Family Pensioners of the stae Govt. of Uttarakhand
290 06/07/2019 Grant of DA to Himachal Pradesh Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners -revised rate w.e.f. 01/07/2018 (140% to 144%)
291 06/07/2019 Grant of DA to Pensioners of Karnataka w.e.f 01/01/19
292 17/04/2019 Grant of Temporary Increase ( Dearness Relief ) to the pensioners of state Govt. Gujrat
293 17/04/2019 Revision of pension /family of pre 01/01/2016 pensioners of State Govt. Maharashtra and increase in pension to pensioners of 80 years of age
294 17/04/2019 Payment of Dearness Allowance /Dearness relief to the Manipur State Government Employees/Pensioners /Family pensioners
295 17/04/2019 Enhancement rate of Dearness Relief to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners
296 04/04/2019 Exemption of Disability Pension from Income Tax-reg
297 02/04/2019 Government of Andhra Pradesh -Enhancement of Dearness Relief to Pensioner w.e.f 01/01/2018-Communication of Revised-Orders -issued-Reg
298 29/03/2019 Revision of pension w.e.f 01.01.2016 of pre-2006 pensioners who retired from the 5th CPC scale of Rs.6500-10500/-
299 28/03/2019 Grant of Dearness Relief to state Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Government of Meghalaya from the existing rate of 3% to 5% with effect from 01/07/2018
300 28/03/2019 Grant of revised rate of Dearness Relief @9% to central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc , w.e.f 01/07/2018
301 28/03/2019 Grant of additional Pension to all state Government pensioners /Family pensioners who are 80 years and above-Implementation of the recommendations of the 6th state Pay Comission-reg-State Govt. Karnataka
302 23/03/2019 Revision of Pension scheme-2018 for Govt of Mizoram
303 23/03/2019 Modification on the existing provision under para 2 of Tripura Civil Services ( Revised of Pension Judicial Officers) Rules, 2010
304 23/03/2019 Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre- 01/06/2017 pensioners /Family Pensioners in terms of Rules -15 (I) (i) of the Nagaland Services (Revision of Pay) Rules,2017 -regarding
305 23/03/2019 Verification of Specimen Signatures of Officers signing the PPOs /Payment Authorities for the Year 2019.
306 23/03/2019 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Pensioner/Family Pensioner of Government of Bihar @ 142% w.e.f 01/01/2018 (Pre- revised)
307 23/03/2019 Payment of Dearness Relief to the Mizoram Government pensioners /family pensioners @9% with effect from 01/09/2018
308 20/02/2019 implementations of the interim recommendations of the second National Judiciary pay commission under the chairmanship of Hon'ble Justice Shri P.V . Reddy to the subordinate Judicial Officers,pension holder judicial subordinate officers and family pension holders w.e.f. 01/01/2016-corigendum-Maharashtra Govt.
309 20/02/2019 Revision of DA @ 9% for the State Government Employees , Personal of Local Bodies , aided Educational Institutions , Government Universities and Technical Educational Institutions who are covered CPC -Uttarakhand Govt.
310 20/02/2019 Enhanced Dearness Relief to the Nagaland State Government Pensioners and Family pensioners @ 7% to 9% and 142 % to 148% w.e.f 01/07/2018 - Nagaland Govt.
311 20/02/2019 Revision of Family pension/Disability Pension in respect of died /being disabled Personnel while serving in the state Service who appointed on 01/01/2004 and thereafter-Rajasthan Govt
312 20/02/2019 Payment of Arrears of Dearness Relief for the period from 01/01/2018 to 30/09/2018 to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners -Maharastra Govt.
313 02/02/2019 Regarding differential Payment of Pension of 7th Pay Commission to state Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners of Government of Gujarat-reg
314 02/02/2019 Haryana Civil services (Judicial Branch) and Haryana Superior Judicial (revised Pension ) part-1 (Amendment Rules-2018
315 29/01/2019 Grant of Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners /Family pensioners @ 7% to 9% w.e.f. 01/07/2018
316 25/01/2019 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government 's civil /family pensioners-Govt. of U.P.
317 25/01/2019 Tamil Nadu-Grant of Dearness Relief admissible from 01/07/2018 @ 9% to Pensioners /Family Pensioners of Tamil Nadu Government-Reduction in maximum qualifying service for full pension -order forwarded
318 25/01/2019 Dearness Relief on Pension/Family Pension @ 142% w.e.f .01/01/2018 , Dearness Relief @274% w.e.f. 01/01/2018 to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners who draw their Pension/Family Pension in the Pre-Revised scale-Govt. of Maharashtra
319 25/01/2019 Forwarding of copy of Tripura State Civil services (Revised Pension) First Amendment ) Rules ,2018
320 05/01/2019 Sanction of Dearness Relief to Pensioners /Family Pensioners of Tripura Government Judicial Service Officers at the revised rate 136% w.e.f 01/01/2017 ,139% w.e.f. 01/07/2017 , 142% w.e.f. 01/01/2018 and 148% w.e.f. 01/07/2018
321 05/01/2019 Enhancement rate of Dearness Relief to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2018 (Enhanced from 05% to 07%)
322 05/01/2019 Increase in the fixed medical Allowance -State Govt. Haryana
323 05/01/2019 Government of Andhra Pradesh -Enhancement of Dearness Relief to Pensioner w.e.f 01/07/2017 -Revised Orders-Issued
324 29/12/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Reitired Judicial Officers /Family Pensioners of the State of the West Bengal -revised rate w.e.f 01/07/2018. Grant of Dearness Relief on Pension on Pension /Family Pension to the Pensioners /family Pensioners of Non Govt. Colleges w.e.f 01/01/2019
325 24/12/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to the Himachal Pradesh Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners -Revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2018 (137% to 140%).
326 24/12/2018 Payment of DA/DR to the serving Government employees /State Government Pensioners/ Family Pension Holders /Extra Ordinary pensin holders in revised rates effect from 01/07/2018 applicable for revised pay scale as per A.S (ROP) rules,2017- Govt. of Assam
327 24/12/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to Arunachal Pradesh Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2018
328 24/12/2018 Revision of pension of pre-01/01/2016 State Pensioners /Family pensioners etc
329 15/12/2018 Grant of Dearness Allowance to Pensioners of Karnataka State with effect from 01/07/2018
330 15/12/2018 Payment of Festival grant for the Financial year 2018-19 to the Tripura Government Pensioners /Family Pensiners
331 15/12/2018 Grant of Temporary Increase to State Government Pensioners /family pensioners w.e.f . 01/01/2018 and Grant of Temportay Increase to state Government Pensioners /family pensiones w.e.f 01/07/16 dated 01/01/2017 , dated 01/07/2017 and dated 01/01/2018 ( revision of pay rule,1998 , 5th commission, State Govt. Gujarat
332 15/12/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief @ 2% (7% to 9%) to the state Government Pensioners of Bihar, w.e.f . 01/07/2018
333 03/12/2018 Grant of Dual Family Pension to Family Pensioners of Gujarat State -modification of Gujarat Civil Service (Pension) Rules 2000 in Rule -188 there of
334 29/11/2018 Payment of Arrears of Dearness Relief for the Period from 01/01/2017 to 31/01/2018 to the Pensioners /Family Pensioners who draw their Pensioner /Family Pension in the Pre revised scale -Maharastra, Payment of arrears of Dearness Relief for the period from 01/01/2017 to 31/01/2018 to the Pensioners /Family pensioners
335 29/11/2018 Revision of Pension/Family Pension of Pre- 01/01/2016 Bihar Government Pensioner and Grant of Ex gratia payment to the Pensioner/family pensioners of Non Govt.colleges ,Day Student's home and West Bengal College Service Commission for the Year 2018.
336 14/11/2018 Regarding payment of revised residual pension to the state Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners prior to 01/01/2016 in consequence upon accepatance of recommendations of pay Committee Uttarkhand (2016)
337 14/11/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government 's Civil /family Pensioners
338 14/11/2018 Online Enrollment of the name of the family members suffering from critical diseases under a new category relationship (critical Diseases ) under Health scheme-State Govt. West Bengal
339 14/11/2018 Revision of Pension & Medical aid in favour of DIR /Prisoners f CRPC under Rajasthan Democratic Honorarium fund rule 2008 -reg
340 14/11/2018 Grant of interim relief to state Judicial officers pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2016 -regarding
341 14/11/2018 Grant of additional interim relief @ 4% to Himachal Pradesh Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/07/2018
342 14/11/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief/Medical Allowance /Revision of Pension /amendment of Pension rules of State Government Pensioner of Bihar
343 14/11/2018 Revision of Pension /Family Pension in favour of retired /deceased Government servants on or after 01/01/2016
344 14/11/2018 Grant of 30% interim Relief to the Jharkhand State Judicila Service pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2016
345 14/11/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to state Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners of Government of Meghalaya @ 3% with effect from 01/01/2018
346 14/11/2018 Revision of Pension in favour of Pensioners /family Pensioners of Pre-2016 , as per the decision taken by State Government on recommendation of Uttar Pradesh pay commission
347 14/11/2018 Government of Andhra Pradesh -revised pay scales 2015 -payment of Arrears-reg
348 14/11/2018 Grant of Dearness Allowance to pensioners of Karnataka State with effect from 01/01/2018
349 01/11/2018 Revision of Pension of State Govt Pensioners of Uttarakhand
350 01/11/2018 Sanction of Dearness relief and interim relief to the Pensioners /family pensioners of Tripura Govt Judicial services officers
351 01/11/2018 Grant of Dearness relief to the Manipur state Govt. Pensioners/family pensioners
352 01/11/2018 Revision of pension/family pension in respect of pensioner /family pensioners of State Govt. of Rajasthan
353 01/11/2018 Grant of Dearness relief to Haryana Govt. Pensioners/family pensioners
354 01/11/2018 Payment of Dearness relief to the Nagaland State Government Pensioner's and family pensioner's
355 09/10/2018 Payment of Dearness Relief w.e.f 01/07/2016 under 6th Pay commission in favour of Officers & (retired /died) of Rajasthan Judicial Services-reg
356 09/10/2018 Regarding differential payment of pension of 7th Pay commission to state Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners of Government of Gujarat-reg
357 09/10/2018 Payment of DA/DR to the serving Government Employees /State Government Pensioners/Family Pension Holders /Extra Ordinary pension holders in revised rates effect from 01/01/2018 applicable for revised pay scale as per AS(ROP) rules,2017
358 06/10/2018 1.Revised of Pension /Family Pension in favour of Pre-2016 Pensioners /Family Pensioners. 2.Sanction of Dearness Relief on the Pension of the Pensioners of State of Chhatisgarh retired /died before 01/01/2016 3.Revised rate of Dearness Relief to State Government Pensioners retired/died in 7th Pay Scale
359 06/10/2018 Regarding enhance of Medical Allowance @Rs.500/- to @ Rs. 1000/- per month with effect from 01/04/2018 to Arunachal Pradesh Government pensioners /family pensioners
360 06/10/2018 1.Increase in Dearness Relief from 136% to 139% to the Mizoram Government Pensioners/family pensioners with effect from 01/07/17 2. Increase of Dearness Relief from 139% to 142% to the Mizoram Government pensioners /family pensioners with effect from 01/01/2018
361 06/10/2018 Dearness Relief on Pension to Kerala State service pension/family pensioners including those coming under UGC/AICTE /Medical Education Schemes and those drawing Dearness Relief at Central rates -Revision with effect from 01.07.2017-reg
362 28/08/2018 Sixth Central Pay Commission -Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners /family Pensioners of Gujarat-reg
363 28/08/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief/Medical Allowance /Revision of Pension /amendment of Pension rules of State Government Pensioner of Bihar
364 16/08/2018 Revision of Pension/Family Pension as per recommendations of the Official Pay committee of the Government of Karnataka to the State Pensioners w.e.f. 01/04/2018
365 16/08/2018 Enhancement of D/R in r/0 Andhra Pradesh Pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2017-Communication of G.O. Ms. No.28 dated 01/03/2018
366 14/08/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to Arunachal Pradesh Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2018
367 14/08/2018 Revision of Pension of civil Pensioners /Family Pensioners of State Government U.P Payment of arrear of Pay and DR from 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016 reg.
368 14/08/2018 (1)Grant of Pongal prize to C and D Group Pensioners /All family Pensioners (2) DA to the Pensioners /Family Pensioners of State of Tamilnadu admissible w.e.f. 01/01/2018
369 14/08/2018 Grant of Interim Relief on Pension/Family Pension of retired officers (Judicial Service) of Government of Bihar w.e.f 01/01/2016 regrading
370 14/08/2018 Grant of interim Relief on Pension to the Retired Judicial Officers of the Government of West Bengal and their Family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2016
371 14/08/2018 Payment of interim Relief on pension to retired officers of Rajasthan Judicial Services and family pensioners of Rajasthan
372 14/08/2018 Enhancement rate of medical Relief to the Jharkhand State Government pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 01/06/2018 (Enhance from Rs.300/- to Rs. 1000/- PM)
373 14/08/2018 Regarding differential Payment of Pension of 7th Pay Commission to State Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners of Government of Gujarat-reg
374 14/08/2018 Enhancement of Dearness Relief to Pensioner of Telengana Government from 01/07/2017
375 01/08/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to the retired Judicial officers/Family pensioners of West Bengal revised rate w.e.f. 01/01/2018 and Grant of Dearness Relief to the Bihar Government pensioners /Family pensioners w.e.f 01/01/2018
376 01/08/2018 Enhancement rate of Dearness Relief to the Jharkhand State Government pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 01/08/2018 (Enhanced from 139% to 142%) Govt of Jharkhand
377 01/08/2018 Payment of Arrears in Revised Pay Scales 2015 for the period from 02/06/2014 to 31/03/2015 , Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
378 24/07/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to the retired Judges of Supreme Court/High Courts and family pensioners of such judges -revised rates w.e.f 01/01/2018. Revision of pension/family pension of pre-2016 retired judges of High courts and Supreme Court
379 12/07/2018 Process and legacy data for Payment in accordance with revised PPO/FPPO/GPO/CPO as per the recommendation of 7th CPC_Rajasthan_Govt_12/07/2018
380 06/07/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief for Pensioners/ Family pensioners from (5% to 7%) w.e.f 01/01/2018_State Govt_Bihar_180618
381 25/06/2018 Dearness Relief @139 % on Pension /Family Pension w.e.f 01/07/2017 and Dearness Relief @268% w.e.f 01/07/2017 to the Pensioners / Family Pensioners who draw their Pension /Family Pension in the Pre-revised scale _Maharastra
382 25/06/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to State Government pensioners /family pensioners of Rajasthan (5% to 7%) w.e.f 01/01/2018
383 25/06/2018 Enhancement of minimum pension/family pension of all retired principals of Government Aided Colleges, who retired prior to 01/01/2016 and Grant of revised rate of Dearness Relief to cCentral Government pensioners/Family pensioners etc from 01/01/2018 _West Bengal
384 23/06/2018 Forwarding of Government of Nagaland , Finance Department 's Notification No FIN/ESTT-2/11/VII-CPC dated 16/12/17 regarding REvision of pay and pension of Nagaland Government pensioner /family pensioners w.e.f. 01/06/2017
385 06/06/2018 Grant of revised rates of dearness relief w.e.f 01/01/2016 , 01/01/2017 & 01/1/2018 to the pensioner /family pensioner of Ex-Management staff of North Bengal Medical College & Burdwan Medical College ( Circular No. Pen . Co. Ordn/258/Vol-II/217/Vol-II/10 dated 16/04/2018)_ West Bengal
386 05/06/2018 Date of effect of computation of deduction of differential amount of commuted amount of pension revised authorization issued vide 7th pay scale-reg_Rajastahan Govt
387 01/06/2018 Revision of pension /family pension of pre 01/01/2016 pensioners/family pensioners of Haryana Government (7th CPC) with effect from 01/01/2016
388 01/06/2018 Kerala State service pensioners / family pensioners revision of pension with effect from 01/07/2014 payment of 3rd instalment of arrears -rate of interest- orders endorsed -reg.
389 01/06/2018 Extension of several benefits to pre-01/01/2006 pensioner/family pensioner of State Government of West Bengal
390 15/05/2018 Sanction of Dearness Relief (TI) @ 2% enhancing the existing rate from 5% to 7% w.e.f. 01.01.2018 in favour of the State Government pensioners /family pensioners
391 15/05/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners /family pensioners -Revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2018 by State Government Manipur
392 15/05/2018 Fixation /Revision of Family Pensioner/Pensioners of State Government Rajasthan who died on or after dated 31/12/2015 -reg
393 15/05/2018 Enhancement of rate of fixed Medical Aaowance from Rs. 350 /- p.m to Rs 400/- pm w.e.f 01/06/2017 to the State Government Employees /Pensioners of Himachal Pradesh
394 15/05/2018 Medical Allowance to the Assam State Government Employees /State Government Pensioners etc.
395 28/04/2018 Non admissibility of interim relief to the Pensioners/ family pensioners of retired College /University teachers governed under UGC /AICTE Pay Scale
396 28/04/2018 Grant of Interim Relief to Himachal Pradesh Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners -Revised rate w.e.f 01/01/2016(8%)
397 28/04/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to Himachal Pradesh Government pensioners /Family pensioners -Revised rate w.e.f 01/07/2017.
398 28/04/2018 Grant of Dearness relief to the Haryana Givernment Pensioners /family Pensioners on the revised rated i.e. 5% with effect from 01/07/2017.
399 28/04/2018 The clarification of the effect of the additional quantum of Pension/ family pension of Arunachal Pradesh
400 21/04/2018 Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of Fifth Meghalaya Pay Commission -Revision of Pension of pre 01.01.17 pensioners /family pension holders etc , Medical Allowance
401 28/03/2018 Revision of Pension/ Family Pension of Pre 2016 and post 2016 Pensioners/family Pensioners in case of employees of primary school and non government aided Educational institution
402 20/03/2018 Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) -Revision of Disability / War Injury pension for Pre-01.01.2016 Defence Forces Pensioners reg.
403 20/03/2018 Implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission in respect of the Post-01.01.2016 retired Armed Forces Pensioners /Family Pensioners : Reg. New PPO Series
404 20/03/2018 Revision of Pension of Pre-01.01.2016 State Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of Government of Rajasthan
405 20/03/2018 Enhancement of Monetary Allowance attached to Jangi Inam (a Pre-Independence Gallantry Award)
406 14/03/2018 Revision of Pension /family pension in respect of pre 01/01/2016 Bihar Govt. pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2016 and monetary benefit from 01/04/2017
407 14/03/2018 Enhancement rate of Dearness relief to the Jharkhand State Government Pensioners/ family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/17
408 14/03/2018 Grant of Temporary increase to Gujarat State Government Pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f 01/07/17
409 27/02/2018 Revision of Pension as per 7th Pay Commission of Rajasthan Govt. retired Employees
410 24/02/2018 Revision of pension of pre-01/10/2017 State Pensioners /Family pensioners -Rajasthan
411 24/02/2018 Revision of Pension of Pre -01/01/2016 State Pensioners /Family Pensioners and amendments in the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules,1996
412 17/02/2018 Allotment of Block PPO serial number for service Pension, family Pension and Disability pension including revision under 7th CPC in respect of JCOs/ORS
413 17/02/2018 Allotment of Block Serial number for Pension, Disability Pension, family Pension, Ex -Gratia in respect of Commissioned Officers /State Forces Personnel and their Families
414 17/02/2018 UP FD O.M on Payment of residual dues due to acceptance of revised pay matrix from jan-01-2016, grant of D/R to Stae Governments Civil/family Pensioners, revision of pension in respect of pensioners/family pensioners pre-2016 reg.
415 17/02/2018 Implementation of Judgement dated 30/09/2016 in C.W.P No 2866 of 2014,C.W.P No 25733 of 2012 ,others-clarification regarding
416 07/02/2018 Enhancement rate of Dearness Relief to the Jharkhand Government pensioners /family pensioners (136% to 139%) w.e.f 01/07/2017.
417 07/02/2018 Grant of Temporary Increase (Dearness Relief) to Gujrat State Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners w.e.f 1/07/2016 and 01/01/17 (Revision of the Pay rule ,2009, 6th Pay commission).
418 03/02/2018 Issuance of Order dated 16/12/2016 to 20/12/2016 by Finance Department Govt. of Uttar Pradesh-Regarding
419 03/02/2018 Re-enrollment under West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme ,2014 within 31st March ,2018
420 02/02/2018 Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners /family Pensioners -Revised rate w.e.f. 01/01/2017
421 02/02/2018 Payment of Dearness Relief to nagaland Government Pensioners /Family Pensioners
422 02/02/2018 Payment of enhanced Monetary Allowances attached to pre and post independence Gallantry Awards
423 18/01/2018 Finance Department, Rajasthan Memorandum no 12 dated 30/10/2017
424 18/01/2018 Finance Department ,Uttar Pradesh OM No 11 dated 27/07/2017
425 18/01/2018 Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare Office Memorandum dated 28/09/2017
426 18/01/2018 PCDA Circular No. 592 dated 05/12/2017
427 18/01/2018 Finance Department Arunachal Pradesh Ofice Memorandum No 97 dated 17/10/2017
428 18/01/2018 Finance Department , Assam Notification dated 19/09/2017
429 18/01/2018 PCDA Circular No. 587 dated 06/10/2017
430 18/01/2018 PCDA Circular No. 589 dated 24/10/2017
431 18/01/2018 PCDA Circular No. 590 dated 06/11/2017
432 18/01/2018 PCDA Circular No. 588 dated 20/10/2017
433 18/01/2018 PCDA Circular No 591 dated 13/11/2017
434 18/01/2018 Finance Department Tamil Nadu GO. Ms. No. 313 dated 25/10/2017
435 18/01/2018 Finance Department ,Tamil Nadu G.O. No.301 dated 10/10/2017
436 06/01/2018 Principal CDA Pension Circular No. 586 dated 25/09/2017
437 06/01/2018 Principal CDA Pension Circular No. 585 dated 21/09/2017
438 06/01/2018 Principal CDA Pension Circular No. 584 dated 07/09/2017
439 06/01/2018 Principal CDA Pension Circular No.583 dated 05/09/2017
440 06/01/2018 Principal CDA Pension Circular No. 582 dated 05/09/2017
441 04/12/2017 Procedure for uploading online/offline application for revision of pension in iFMS
442 25/11/2016 AEI Pension Revision (Post - 2006)(1)
443 10/08/2016 Grant of Fixed Medical allowance to the armed force pensioners/family pensioners
444 13/05/2015 Grant of revised rate of DR w.e.f. 01/01/2015 to the pensioners/family pensioners of Teaching and Non Teaching staff of Non Government Sponsored/Aided Educational Institute under Government of West Bengal
445 14/08/2015 Grant of service element to pre 30/08/2006 released non Regular Officers in Aggravation cases
446 29/03/2016 Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 pensioner-inclusion of NPA
447 29/03/2016 Simplification of Pension Procedure for permanently disabled children/siblings and dependent parents
448 29/03/2016 Date of fixation/revision of Pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners of Arunachal Pradesh Government
449 10/09/2015 Simplification of pension payment procedure -submission of certificates by retiring Armed Forces Personnel along with pension papers
450 30/06/2014 Pension Circulars July volumn_2 2014
451 22/03/2014 Pension Circulars September 2014
452 24/02/2014 Pension Circulars August 2014
453 13/10/2014 Pension Circulars November 2014 volumn_1
454 07/07/2014 Pension Circulars July volumn_1 2014
455 18/12/2013 Pension Circulars January 2014
456 08/11/2013 Pension Circulars December 2013
457 06/10/2010 Implementation of new Pension Scheme
458 02/04/2011 Revision of pension/family pension,Gratuity and Commutation of Pension of Post-2006 pensioners/family pensioners



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